Friday, February 18, 2011

Send a Message to the Universe, the Universe Tweets Back

A few months ago, I happened to get signed up to receive emails from EarthFare, an organic-type grocery store, based in Asheville, but with a store right here in town. It is one of those stores filled with beautiful produce displayed ever so attractively next to trays filled with fresh samples, you can't help but go for an impulse tomato or avocado purchase.

So one day, a note pops up in my inbox, telling me I need to sign up for a free dinner for four. Attracted by the word free like a moth to the flame (aren't we all, even after reading Predictable Irrational), I clicked on the link, which took me to a page that told me I had to sign up to qualify for my free meal. I thought, "that is probably just for a chance to win a dinner for four," and I closed the browser and forgot about it. A few days later, I get a little friendly reminder, being a bit more specific (good refinement due to some customer feedback, I'm sure). So, I decide a dinner for four is enough to make me register on the EarthFare website, which is actually quite pleasant, I must say.

I print my coupon and it tells me that within a week, I can redeem it for a whole chicken or veggie burgers, a pack of carrots and mashed potatoes. I wasn't sure if I would actually get around to redeeming the thing, but then realized I had an appointment at a salon over there during the redemption period. However, I was a little concerned about the "dinner for four" menu - carrots, potatoes (hello CARBS!) and a whole chicken - that's right, a WHOLE chicken. I started to feel like I was back in Mary Jo's fabric store again. I cook and all (both with and without recipes), but I never have attempted something so technical like a whole chicken!

Since I was over there, I decided it made sense to stop over at EarthFare and pick up a few things, after I could check out this stuff and get it if I wanted, it was "free." I had to spend $10 to qualify for the deal, but that is never a problem with a few bourbon salmon slices for me and the hubby, not to mention seltzer water and some other items I have to get every time I'm there, like stuffed grape leaves (seriously, those are delicious).

I casually lurk around the meat department, trying to figure out where the whole chickens might live. Well, I think I did actually decide to jump ship at one point and go for the veggie burgers - but they only had the soy burgers and some kind of nut burger that looked dubious. Black bean burgers were sold out. So, I was too late for the mainstream veggie burgers - it was the chicken or nothing. I'm sure lots of folks like me had that same idea.

While I was picking up my salmon, a couple was inquiring about the chicken to the guy behind the meat counter. "They are so easy," he said. Good thing I wasn't over there - I was good listening about it from my comfort zone by the seafood counter. I casually stared as he took them to the place where the chickens were.

With fish in hand, I moved slowly toward the section with the chickens - oh, there are the seltzers...I eventually got there. Even though I had been over there previously (yes, I admit it), I had evidently missed the huge signs that said, "get your chickens for you free dinner for four right here" in big, bold lettering. I swear retailers, when people are in the supermarket, particularly after the work, they are zoned out and the last thing they are doing is reading anything! I don't even think blinking lights and a leprechaun beside a pot of gold would help people figure out where the free chickens were.

I picked up the chicken and stared it down, straight in the eye. I just wasn't too sure about this chicken - Complete disaster? An instant throw-away? I envisioned myself trying to cook this thing and saw myself starting a project I wasn't sure I could finish - it MIGHT have brought back memories of hanging the drapes in the living room.

I took the plunge. I can do this. I have watched the episode of America's Test Kitchen on cooking the perfect chicken, granted I didn't have all the fancy cooking accessories needed, but I figured that I could do this.

So when I got home, I decided I would tweet about my chicken, which I should mention I put immediately in the freezer as a good procrastination measure.

My post: Picked up my free dinner from @ today - mashed potatoes, carrots, whole chicken. Nice! Unsure abt cooking that bird - in freezer.

Translated, that's "Hey EarthFare! What's up? I redeemed my free dinner - that was pretty cool. However, I have no idea how I'm going to cook that thing! OMG! This is a thinly veiled call for help!"

Minutes later, @EarthFare sends a note out to the world wide web, the universe of all things, responding to someone else tweeting about their free meal. The post: @akseabird Yum! So glad! How did you cook your chicken? @TarheelConway is looking for tips :)

And just like that, I was saved by @akseabird - who responded to me. Her post: @EarthFare Roasted it w/the carrots. 400F. Inside: fresh basil, rosemary & garlic. Outside: same +salt, garlic pwd, & dill (@TarheelConway).

How cool! Now I had the recipe and I could move forward with my chicken. And, to top it off, it seemed so simple and easy.

My cry for help out into the great beyond had been answered. It really felt like my first time (be it small) interacting over Twitter, having a real interaction. Have no idea who she is, where she lives, but sounds like she knows her stuff. I know it sounds silly, but I interact all the time with friends on Facebook - Twitter just seems so business, newsy, closed-off - I haven't gotten to the point where I've really been able to use it this way. And, it was just so dern nice of her to add me to her tip!

I am going to take that chicken out of the freezer this weekend and give it a try. I hope it turns out well, and I plan to throw those carrots in there, along with some other stuff. I do love to cook, and am not afraid to go off a recipe (in fact, that's why I'm good at cooking and not baking) and throw caution to the wind, do not get me wrong. It's just a whole bird seemed like something out of my league, taking it up a notch! But, I think I'm ready now.

Who knows, maybe my next step is making real, homemade pie crust! Or better yet, real, homemade chicken pot pie, honey!

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